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Logotipo Diluvia Coin


Token name: Diluvia Coin (DC)

Network: Polygon (Matic)

Standard: ERC20

Address: 0x650514bf0f7FA08ADE4670cF52C8da5C3a0B6925

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1. Total Supply

Total Supply: 1 billion DCs.

2. Distribution

Initial Sales: 25%

In-Game Rewards: 40%

Development and Team: 20%

Marketing and Partnerships: 10%

Reserve: 5%

3. Governance

DC holders will have the opportunity to vote on key decisions related to the server's and token's future.

4. Burn Mechanisms

A portion of transaction fees will be burnt to combat inflation and enhance the token's value over time.

5. Technology

We employ the Polygon blockchain for its robustness, security, and ease of implementing ERC20 tokens. Diluvia Coin (DC) is an ERC20 token facilitating fast and secure transactions within "Diluvia."

6. In-game Usage

Diluvia coins can be used to buy in-game items, houses, premium accounts and much more